NOTE: This blog was previously published under the [JESSE 2.0] blog at but has been absorbed into Jesse's main blog for archival purposes. You can read all Jesse 2.0 entries here. |
2010 sucked. I got divorced, almost lost my house, two of my uncles died, and my grandmother (and cat) got very ill. Here's hoping 2011 will be better.
It is truly the newest year for me in a decade. Eleven years ago New Years Eve, I was proposing to my girlfriend. Today I am alone, six months after she, her daughter and her dog left.
In order to kick of 2011 on a daring note, I spent New Years weekend in Wildwood, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, both towns I had never visited, with friends that I barely knew. It was nice to get out and see something new. And this is not something I would have been willing to do when I was married.
Being married was like being in a cocoon - it was pleasant and safe, but I didn't get of my comfort zone, meet people or try new things. And that was OK with me at the time. But I think I'm ready to do that now.
To give some perspective, I've never liked traveling, and if not for work, which flew me to Oklahoma City and Wichita, I would never have been west of New Orleans. I've never been to Florida, New York City, or the West Coast. I don't really like to travel, no matter the means.
Yet somehow on New Years Weekend there I was, walking and driving around Philadelphia, visiting the southern tip of New Jersey, hanging out with people I barely knew. Trying new things and not fearing it at all.

It was as good of a start to the New Year as I could expect. I'm not really making New Years resolutions this time, as I've got plenty to work on. Right now my goal is to continue my more-healthy and more sociable lifestyle.
I'd like to say that this will be the year where I
won't think about my ex-wife and stepdaughter every day, but that's just not realistic. I still love them very much and think of them several times per day.